Communication strategies for employee benefits: informing employees about mobility offers

With the rapid changes in the world of work, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to offer innovative employee benefits. But how can employers inspire their employees with attractive mobility benefits and retain them in the long term? In our blog, we take a deep dive into the topic and present creative ideas on how you can offer your employees real added value - without incurring high costs. Find out why company mobility offers are not only important for employees, but also for the company itself.

Flexibility and mobility are crucial in today's working world. Employees who work flexibly are often more productive and happier. It is therefore important for companies to keep their employees up to date on mobility-related benefits and provide suitable offers.

By providing attractive offers such as subsidies for public transport or car-sharing services, employers can not only increase their employees' satisfaction, but also strengthen their loyalty to the company. This makes company mobility an important topic in the context of employee benefits.

Companies should therefore develop innovative ideas to offer their employees cost-effective and practical mobility solutions and communicate these strategically in order to offer added value to both employees and the company itself.

The importance of employee benefits for the company

Employee benefits are a decisive factor for companies in attracting talented employees and retaining them in the long term. By offering attractive benefits such as mobility, employers can show that they have their employees' well-being in mind and take their needs seriously.

This not only leads to greater employee satisfaction, but also to increased productivity and loyalty to the company. Company benefits such as the provision of company bikes, Germany tickets or mobility budgets can not only offer employees financial benefits, but also improve their quality of life.

A well thought-out concept for employee benefits in the area of mobility can therefore create considerable added value for the company and help to establish a positive corporate culture.

The right communication strategy to promote mobility offers as employee benefits

The right communication plays a key role in keeping employees up to date with mobility offers and informing them about the benefits of the corresponding offers.

Targeted information enables employees to better utilise and appreciate the benefits on offer. It is not only important for companies to offer attractive mobility solutions, but also to effectively inform their employees about them.

This is the only way to optimise the use of employee benefits and the company will benefit from more satisfied and motivated employees in the long term. The right communication is therefore crucial for the success of company mobility programmes.

The concept of communicating employee benefits

In order for the communication of benefits to be successful, it is important to define the right target group. In this case, the general target group is the employees. In order to communicate the benefits in a targeted manner, HR managers can further differentiate here according to age, gender, level of education, area of work, length of service and other parameters.

This results in needs that must be addressed and fulfilled in communication. This is because the benefits fulfil different uses for different target groups. For one target group, for example, the health aspect of a company bike can be emphasised, while for another target group the aspects of sustainability and climate protection that a company bike fulfils can be emphasised.

Steps in benefits communication

The communication strategy also needs to be planned comprehensively and efficiently: What resources are available for communication? Who is responsible for coordinating the various instruments?

The choice of tools depends on the company's capabilities. Which tools for internal communication does the company already use and which does it possibly need to acquire. Possible tools include an intranet, e-mail communication, a webinar or on-site training and workshops.

Companies also have the option of appointing one or more faces for the benefits campaign, known as benefits ambassadors. When planning the communication, companies should bear in mind that they need training to find the right words for the messages in front of the camera or in person.

Overall, the communication campaign requires a certain amount of preparation in order to be successful. This is where companies can rely on the experience and expertise of benefits providers. They often work together with communication experts who support companies in the conception, planning and implementation of the benefits campaign.

Examples of the right way to communicate benefits to employees

Those responsible for benefits have a variety of possible tools at their disposal for the right communication. The following channels can be used to communicate the advantages of corporate benefits and increase the engagement rate:

  • The intranet is the classic tool for communicating employee offers. In this case, the added value of the benefits must not only be presented in text, but should also be conveyed through images and explanatory videos, and it is also worth equipping the intranet with feedback options, for example via (internal) social media channels.
  • Ideally, the benefits portal should be linked to the intranet so that employees can access the benefits directly.
  • All employees can be reached via the monthly payslip. A brochure or flyer with information about the benefits can be attached to the payslip, whether in digital or paper form.
  • For industrial employees, the notice board or displays in the production halls are of course an option.
  • So-called ‘ambassadors’ can communicate the advantages of the benefits to the target groups personally and at eye level.
  • And last but not least, personal contact with employees is needed to make the benefits on offer tangible. Corporate benefits providers can offer training courses, workshops or webinars. During these events, the experts can explain the benefits in detail, provide specific onboarding and clarify individual questions.

Conclusion: Effective communication is the key to success with employee benefits

In today's working world, effective communication is essential to inform employees about attractive benefits such as mobility. This is the only way for companies to ensure that their employees make optimum use of the mobility solutions on offer and benefit from them.

A transparent and well-structured communication strategy enables employees to understand and efficiently utilise the wide range of mobility options available to them. Regular updates and clear information, for example via the company intranet, make it easier for employees to make use of the company's mobility options and thus identify more strongly with the company.

Open communication creates trust and shows employees that their employer takes their needs seriously and actively supports them in their mobility. Ultimately, successful communication is the key to success in providing attractive employee benefits in the area of mobility.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.