Why thousands of employees are already using our platform

Why thousands of employees are already using our platform

There are many reasons why we are the preferred mobility budget platform for companies. With our proactive support team and pioneering solution, we work tirelessly to ensure that employees can use NAVIT to get to work and stay mobile in a flexible and sustainable way. In this article, you can read about the reasons why companies choose us.

Modern benefit for employees

With NAVIT, companies can offer their employees a modern benefit. Employees can use this benefit flexibly. The employee benefit relieves them financially and supports them in an area of life that affects them daily - individual mobility. Compared to other corporate benefits, the mobility budget is a democratic benefit because it benefits all employees equally. 

Responding to the challenges of HR in the right way

A digital and flexible employee benefit like a mobility budget helps solve HR challenges and strengthen the employer brand.

Experience from many client meetings shows that one overriding goal is in the foreground and that is easy to describe: Employee retention and employee acquisition or employee retention and employee recruitment. Because for many young professionals, intangible values such as work-life balance, the desire for more flexibility or a sustainable employer brand play a decisive role in their choice of job, in addition to financial incentives. An individually customisable mobility budget can cover these requirements in a targeted manner and help retain talent in the company and prevail over other companies in the competition for the best talent.

Another important goal that companies can achieve more easily with a mobility budget: How can I incentivise employees to come back to the office?

In the past, the topic of mobility was pushed into the fleet department. Today it usually ends up in HR. For the HR department, this is a new topic. Therefore, the complexity of this topic must be reduced. With technology, this can be achieved. A mobility budget platform helps to translate this complexity and the underlying administrative processes into comprehensible and easy-to-use modules.

New Mobility meets New Work

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in the way we work. Home office, hybrid work environments and remote work have become mainstream. Companies that adapt to this change are reaping the rewards. The numbers speak for themselves: companies that offer remote options are seeing stronger growth compared to those that stick to traditional office hours models, 82% of all employees want flexible benefits that accommodate New Work.

In this context, flexible mobility offers will gain in importance for the increasing demand for remote work. Due to digitalisation, hybrid work models and, last but not least, an increased awareness of climate protection, people have fundamentally changed their mobility behaviour in recent years. Many people use different means of transport and adapt their mobility choices to their situation or requirements instead of relying on a single means of transport. The mobility budget is the appropriate answer to this. Employees can flexibly determine for themselves how and for what type of mobility they use the mobility budget.

Everything from a single source: the mobility offer for employees bundled on one platform

Companies save costs and time by bundling isolated solutions such as job ticket, company bike, car subscription and fuel card with one technological solution.

A mobility budget platform simplifies employee mobility and combines all mobility options in one place: 

  • Mobility budget
  • Shared mobility
  • Deutschlandticket as a job ticket
  • Traditional job tickets
  • Company bicycle via a bicycle lease
  • Car subscriptions
  • Fuel and charging cards
  • Public transport reimbursements

NAVIT is a digital HR platform for employee mobility - with an app for employee use of the mobility budget and a dashboard for easy management by HR.

Can be fully integrated into internal systems

Seamless integrations in all relevant areas

NAVIT works with interfaces to the most commonly used HR tools, such as Personio and workday, or payroll tools, such as DATEV. This means for companies: Managing employee mobility and employee benefits is user-friendly. Once registered, downstream processes are digitalised and automated. For teams, this means a relaxed working day with automated monthly tax reporting and invoicing and automatic tax optimisation of all mobility expenses.

Complete integrations for all company sizes

Full integration with internal HR, payroll and tax systems means registrations and payments can be made quickly and reports generated effortlessly. This allows companies to save time and money and significantly reduce paperwork.

As the company grows, the mobility budget platform grows with it. Thanks to the simple integrations, the NAVIT mobility platform is infinitely scalable. That's why numerous companies, ranging from start-ups to medium-sized businesses to large corporations, already rely on NAVIT's innovative solution for their mobility concepts.

Tax-compliant accounting & tax-optimised

The introduction of a mobility budget offers financially attractive incentives for employers and employees. For companies, it is a smart way not only to increase employee satisfaction but also to save taxes. 

The taxation model a company chooses when introducing a mobility budget depends on a number of factors, including the legal framework, company objectives, employee needs and the company's financial situation. Choosing the right tax model succeeds with these 7 steps.

If employers offer their employees additional benefits on top of the regular salary, the nature of these benefits influences the tax treatment. A common form of such additional benefits is the benefit in kind (or remuneration in kind), which remains tax-free within a certain tax-free amount. The tax-free amount is 50 euros in 2023.

The mobility budget is granted in addition to the existing salary and is therefore, in contrast to salary conversion (from cash to non-cash salary), not subject to tax and social security contributions if it remains within the allowance. It is therefore worthwhile for both employers and employees to grant the mobility budget as a benefit in addition to the contractually agreed salary. These tax regulations must be observed.

Another advantage of the mobility budget platform is the integration of the Deutschlandticket and the Jobticket. This is because journeys by public transport are tax-free. The integration of the Deutschlandticket as a job ticket is one of the reasons why companies have opted for NAVIT. Because ordering, administration and invoicing are all done from a single source and completely digitally with the mobility budget platform. This means no extra work for the HR department and shorter waiting times compared to traditional providers of the Deutschlandticket.

An integrated tax algorithm ensures the correct and tax-optimised processing and settlement of employees' mobility budgets at the end of the month, and HR receives an invoice detailing everything.

Achieve operational climate and sustainability goals faster

NAVIT supports companies of all sizes on their way to sustainable mobility management. A flexible mobility budget is the right incentive for employees to use climate-friendly means of transport.

The EU's Corporate Sustainability Reproting Directive (CSRD)

Companies are increasingly under pressure to fulfil their social mandate to operate more sustainably. With the new Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - CSRD for short - the European Union is obliging many more companies from 2024 onwards to provide comprehensive sustainability reporting, which also includes the topic of company mobility.

The advantage of a mobility budget platform: integrated reporting of all CO2 emissions generated by the mobility budget makes it possible to meet the requirements of the CSRD.

All generated and unavoidable CO2 emissions are offset

NAVIT automatically offsets the mobility-related carbon footprint of its customers by supporting highly effective, certified projects to reduce and avoid CO2.

This means: All CO2 emissions caused by journeys with the mobility budget are automatically compensated. In this way, companies make a valuable contribution to climate protection and achieve the sustainability goals they have set themselves more quickly.

Certified climate protection projects

Companies can decide for themselves which certified project they want to use to offset their CO2 emissions caused by mobility. In addition to local reforestation projects or CO2 capture projects, companies can also choose, for example, the promotion of climate-friendly fuels. In total, companies can choose from over 30 different gold-certified sustainability projects.

NAVIT handles the compensation in cooperation with the TÜV-certified compensation partner Squake.

How CO2 compensation works with NAVIT

  1. Use mobility budget

Employees use their mobility budget in the apps of the mobility providers. The trip data is automatically transferred to the NAVIT platform. 

  1. Calculate CO2 emissions

The total CO2 emissions of all your employees' journeys are accurately calculated in real time using a TÜV-certified method (via our partner Squake).

  1. Offset CO2 emissions

Every gram of CO2 is automatically converted into a contribution to the chosen offset project and thus compensated.

  1. View successes

The individual successes and the company's achievements can be viewed on the NAVIT platform. The platform also shows which sustainability goals are being pursued with the selected project.

Mobility budget in practice: These companies use NAVIT

Companies of all types and sizes manage their employee mobility with NAVIT. Thousands of employees from all industries use the mobility budget platform every day to get to work and get around privately.

Get to know our customers and find out what made them choose NAVIT and what the future of mobility could look like.

Is your company ready for flexible employee mobility?

The implementation of a mobility budget platform for employee mobility in your company does not require much effort. Only a few questions need to be clarified in advance.

For example, which employees receive a mobility budget and what mobility should be offered.

NAVIT supports you in the successful company-wide establishment - from budget management to accounting - and takes over the administrative work.

Download our 10-step guide and get a free and complete guide with concrete recommendations for setting up a mobility solution that meets your company's needs!

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.