The 49 Euro Deutschlandticket is here - read all pros and cons of the Germany-wide ticket and how companies can use it as a Jobticket for employees

The 49 Euro Deutschlandticket / Germany Ticket explained.

Find out how you can offer your employees the 49-Euro-Ticket as a job ticket and how you can combine the Deutschlandticket with a flexible mobility budget to provide your employees with complete mobility.

We broke the information down in three sections

  1. The 49 Euro Deutschlandticket ultimate guide
  2. Deutschlandticket as a Jobticket: how does this work? What companies need to look for
  3. Mobility budget and Deutschlandticket combined for maximum employee flexibility

For a long time, the job ticket was considered a popular corporate benefit for companies that want to offer their employees a tax-free and cost-effective alternative to the company car and position themselves as an environmentally conscious employer. Nevertheless, the Jobticket is also associated with rigid minimum purchase quantities and time-consuming contract negotiations with the transport associations.

With the introduction of the new Deutschlandticket in May 2023, there now seems to be a more flexible and attractive solution for employee mobility.

We have summarized the most important facts about the Deutschlandticket for you and explain how you can offer the 49-euro ticket as a job ticket for your employees. We also show you how to combine the Deutschlandticket with a flexible mobility budget to make your company stand out and give your employees maximum flexibility for their mobility.

1. Deutschlandticket - the ultimate guide

The Deutschlandticket is the successor to the successful 9 Euro ticket, which was offered nationwide in the summer months of 2022 in response to rising energy costs. The novelty of this product: With a single ticket, travelers could use all of Germany's local public transport without fare and geographical limits. For example: if you purchase the 49 Euro Deutschlandticket with one public transport operator in Berlin you can use that ticket on any public transport in Hamburg.

When was the Deutschlandticket introduced?

The Deutschlandticket is valid on all local public transport service since May 1st, 2023. Through NAVIT, the ticket can also be purchased through our mobility platform.

How much does the Deutschlandticket cost?

The Deutschlandticket costs initially 49 Euros per month. This is the introductory price; price increases are possible from the second year onwards due to inflation.

Since the start date for the ticket had to be pushed back further and further, also due to unresolved price and financing issues, some federal states have already introduced their own, cheaper offers as an alternative to the Deutschlandticket. In addition, some transport associations also offer discounts for certain groups of people, such as pensioners, welfare recipients or students, which are not available nationwide with the Deutschlandticket.

For more information on this, we recommend that you contact your local transportation authority.

Where and on which means of transport is the Deutschlandticket valid?

As a "flat rate for local public transport", the ticket is valid throughout Germany on all scheduled buses, streetcars, subway trains, suburban trains, and local and regional trains.

On the other hand, the Deutschlandticket is not valid for long-distance travel. This means that the ticket is not valid for journeys in IC or ICE trains, e.g. between Hamburg and Munich. However, it can be used on local transport in both cities. 

The ticket is personal and therefore not transferable. For the transport of bicycles, children and dogs, the conditions of the respective transport association apply. Here, too, we recommend that you contact the respective transport association for more information on the regulations for taking along bicycles and dogs.

Where can I buy the Deutschland ticket?

The Deutschlandticket is a digital ticket and can be ordered online. The ticket can be purchased through the sales channels of Deutsche Bahn as well as through the transport associations. Unlike the 9-Euro-Ticket, the Deutschlandticket does not have to be purchased every month, but can be conveniently taken out as an annual subscription and canceled monthly.

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2. The Deutschlandticket as a Jobticket

The jobticket, also known as the company ticket, is a ticket for commuters to work. It is intended to make it easier for employees to switch from the company car to public transport and thus reduce the burden on commuter traffic. Employees who have a job ticket can also use it for private journeys. That makes it attractive for many.

Employees can receive the Jobticket if their employer has concluded a Jobticket framework agreement with one of the participating transport companies. Like the Deutschlandticket, the Jobticket is also an offer from public transport companies.

Still, there are a few differences to note between the tickets:

  • Unlike the Deutschlandticket, the Jobticket can also be purchased for 1st class.
  • In addition, employees can also use long-distance trains with the job ticket, provided this has been agreed in the job ticket framework agreement between the employer and the transport company.
  • In contrast to the Deutschlandticket, however, the framework agreement between the employer and the transport company generally excludes nationwide use of the ticket.

"Firmenticket Deutschland"

With the Deutschlandticket also comes a new company ticket model. With the new "Firmenticket Deutschland", companies can extend their existing job ticket agreement.

This makes the new Deutschlandticket even cheaper:

If the employer subsidizes the Deutschlandticket by at least 25%, the federal and state governments, i.e. the transport associations, give a further 5% discount on top.

This means that your employees pay a maximum of €34.30 per month and can use local and regional public transport throughout Germany.

Previous company ticket models remain in place and continue to offer all known benefits.

If you already offer your employees such a company ticket model, you can decide whether to give your employees the choice between the two or whether to offer only one of the two variants.

Comparison of the new Deutschlandticket and the conventional jobticket

There are various reasons for companies to introduce the Jobticket. Employees also benefit from the Jobticket in various ways. In this article, we have summarized everything you need to know about the Jobticket and its advantages for companies and employees.

A clear comparison of when a Jobticket or a Deutschlandticket is worthwhile for your company and your employees can be found here:

Deutschlandticket Traditional job ticket
For companies: For companies:
✅ Employer Branding ✅ Employer Branding
✅ Reduced operating expenses versus company car ✅ Reduced operating expenses versus company car
✅ No minimum purchase ❌ Rigid terms and conditions: Minimum purchase, no refund for unused tickets.
✅ Companies with multiple locations: ONE ticket that is valid nationwide ❌ Unternehmen mit mehreren Standorten = Rahmenverträge mit mehreren Verkehrsunternehmen
For employees: For employees:
✅ Reduced fare ticket ✅ Reduced fare ticket
✅ Easily purchased through employer ✅ Easily purchased through employer
✅ Relaxed way to work ✅ Relaxed way to work
✅ You can use it in your leisure time ✅ You can use it in your leisure time
✅ Valid nationwide for local public transportation ❌ Only valid in one transport association
❌ Not purchasable for 1st class and long-distance travel ✅ Can be purchased for 1st class and long distance travel
✅ Flexible use: ticket can be used for one month and easily cancelled for the next month ❌ Inflexible use: ticket must be ordered at least one month before start date & cancelled at least two months in advance
✅ Digital ticket ❌ Paper ticket: original must be returned upon cancellation; in case of ticket loss, can be reordered only 1x per year (for a fee)

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Are you looking for more info about the 49 euro ticket as a job ticket? 

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3. Combination of job ticket and mobility budget for maximum flexibility

We are convinced that in order for your company to reduce individual car traffic and promote climate-friendly employee mobility, you require a flexible and uncomplicated solution that covers more than public transport.

The mobility budget solution from NAVIT would be a great candidate in this situation. With the mobility budget, you provide your employees with a monthly mobility budget via app that can be used flexibly. Your employees can decide for themselves which means of transport they want to use worldwide, regardless of the provider.

If you offer your employees a flexible mobility budget, you leave it up to them to decide whether they want to purchase the 49 euro Deutschlandticket. They can easily pause when they go on vacation or work 100% from home, or if they want to use other means of transport depending on the availablity of mobilitiy options.

The mobility budget is a digital and flexible mobility solution and thus the ideal complement to the Jobticket or Deutschlandticket.

In principle, our mobility solution is worthwhile for companies of all sectors and sizes. The flexible mobility budget is aimed both at companies whose location is central and therefore offers few parking spaces but good public transport connections, and at companies that are less well connected and do not provide all employees with a company car. It also benefits companies that want to respond even better to the individual needs of their employees and still keep the process effort low. NAVIT takes care of the administration, billing and taxation of corporate and digital mobility management.

The mobility budget also pays off from a tax perspective: If your employees travel in an environmentally friendly manner by public transport or bicycle, they are reimbursed for their commute to work free of payroll tax and social security contributions and thus get more out of their net salary. As an employer, this gives you an incentive over a pay raise and allows you to use your non cash benefit for other benefits - like meal vouchers.

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Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance author and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility sphere. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits, and New Work. In addition to creating blog content, he also produces marketing materials, taglines, and website content, as well as case studies.
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