How can I use my mobility budget? Use case examples

4 Application examples for the NAVIT Mobility Budget Card

With its mobility budget offer, NAVIT provides a virtual payment card with which employees can digitally and cashlessly book and pay for their own mobility flexibly and easily. A mobility solution for companies that makes the company car superfluous and rethinks mobility.

In this article, we will show you four examples of how to use the NAVIT credit card. When it is particularly useful and how it facilitates the everyday business of you and your employees.

1. You are at a business dinner

Sometimes you have to meet clients, business partners or your team for a business lunch.

For the way from the office to the restaurant and then back home, the mobility budget card offers you access to all means of transport and the flexibility you need.

In the morning you came to the office by car sharing, but the restaurant is not that far from the office. With the mobility budget, you can opt for a rental bike or e-scooter to get to your appointment.

Maybe the restaurant is on the subway line that will take you home, or is it late and you want to take a cab home comfortably? With the mobility budget card you can easily and spontaneously decide which means of transport you want to use.

2.Work from home or remote

In times of mobile and flexible working, classic job tickets, i.e. monthly public transport passes, are increasingly unattractive for employees.

With 1-2 office days a week, they are no longer worthwhile. A company car is also becoming less interesting for many young employees, as the vehicle sits around most of the time.

Employees want more flexible mobility options for working from home, which they can use for their trips to the office and also for private purposes.

With the mobility budget and a credit card, they can adapt the choice of transport for these journeys to the traffic situation, the weather and their personal preferences.

If the weather is nice, they can take a rental bike to the office, or if they need to transport something larger, they can use car sharing.

Depending on the route, you can also combine means of transport. For example, you can use the rental bike to the nearest S-Bahn station and then use the e-scooter to cover the last few meters from the arrival station to the office.

3.Your team is on a business trip

The Mobility Budget Card, which can be used worldwide, can make business travel much easier. On the one hand, you decide who spends what, where and when with the help of individual configurations for each card.

For example, you can give your employees more credit each month, which they can then use for upcoming business trips.

This simplifies billing. On the other hand, your employees can pay independently with the card without having to pay in advance. If the card information of the mobility budget card is used directly, the expenses are no longer deducted from the private funds of your employees.

This makes long waits for reimbursement of travel expenses a thing of the past.

Another advantage of the mobility budget card is that your team gets rid of the annoying travel expense report.

Now your team can pay for their trips without cash or contact. If your employees have to pay for a trip themselves, they can take a picture of the ticket or booking receipt and upload it to the app. After a quick check, it is automatically charged to the mobility budget.

4.Travel expenses management of your team

Let's assume your employees travel regularly for business or to shine as an employer you offer to cover the mobility costs (or a part) of your employees.

These trips require a certain budget. Since the company doesn't have an integrated debit or credit card, your team member asks for reimbursement for each trip.

Even if the team uses a borrowed company card or supervisors make the payment, the process is not ideal.

To save time, these mobility expenses can be made independently with individual payment cards.

Your employees no longer need confirmation because the budget for their trips has been configured beforehand. Your employees cannot exceed this budget when using the card. The mobility budget card makes life easier for your department and your team.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.