Frequently asked questions about AI in HR

What does the future of artificial intelligence (AI) and HR look like?

HR leaders are interested in understanding and experimenting with AI to reduce resource-intensive processes, eliminate routine tasks or even co-author HR-related content or documentation.

Experts assume that generative AI solutions will be integrated into existing and new HR technology providers in the next one to three years. In HR technology, generative AI could initially be used in the area of natural language processing (NLP). Examples of this include virtual assistants, chatbots and the processing of unstructured data.

Why is AI important for your HR department?

Artificial intelligence will have an impact on the work of the HR department across the entire employee lifecycle. This impact includes recruiting, onboarding and personnel development as well as talent management.

HR needs to manage employee expectations and think about how HR and HR technologies interact with each other. Over time, this change will lead to a rethink of the purpose and structure of individual HR roles and teams.

What are the key benefits of generative AI in HR management?

HR leaders can see the human-like text generation capabilities of generative AI such as ChatGPT as a way to save time and effort for the HR team.

HR leaders should also be interested in understanding and experimenting with generative AI to reduce resource-intensive processes, automate routine tasks or even co-author HR-related content or documentation.

What's next for AI when it comes to recruiting and hiring employees?

AI in talent acquisition drives the automation of the recruitment process and provides recruiters, HR managers and applicants with decision-making support in talent search, hiring, screening, interviewing and onboarding.

For example, an AI algorithm could predict which sourcing channels are best suited to finding the right candidates for a specific position, thereby reducing costs. Or it could use data from an online form to accept applicants and initiate the next steps.

How will AI affect jobs?

Investment in AI can lead to many tasks becoming redundant, while at the same time creating the need for new skills and roles. The company's management must work together with the HR department to address this.

Firstly, to set realistic expectations for the impact of AI on the workforce by assessing the extent to which the initial investment is transformative, coupled with business activities and market forecasts. Also, to define future-proof workforce plans by establishing a regular review cycle to identify opportunities for multi-skilled generalist roles and specialist teams.

What does the future of HR look like in the AI era? Insights from the NAVIT Fireside Chat ‘HR decision-making in the AI era’

The world of AI is developing rapidly and now offers a wide variety of solutions, including for HR. Reason enough to take a closer look at this hotly debated topic and exchange ideas. After all, for a long time there was no practical advice for HR managers on how to deal with AI. So it's all the better that we invited you to a Fireside Chat with AI expert Thorsten Heilig, CEO of paretos, on 14 March 2023.

Thorsten Heilig gave insights into his work as CEO of paretos, a software developer that gives companies access to cutting-edge AI technologies that were otherwise reserved for leading tech giants. Thorsten used several real-life examples to show how companies can already utilise artificial intelligence today, including from traditional, medium-sized companies that you might not initially expect.

You can read about the key findings and everything you need to know about dealing with AI in HR in our blog post about the event.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.