RYDES expands its funding round and enters into a cooperation with Solarisbank and Visa

24.05.2022, Berlin.

The B2B mobility platform RYDES, offering companies a flexible CO₂-neutral mobility budget, expands its pre-seed funding round and launches the RYDES Mobility Card in partnership with Solarisbank and Visa.

To further advance the growth and product plans of the RYDES mobility platform, founders René Braun and Martin Miodownik are bringing new investors on board in addition to existing capital providers Lufthansa Group and Forward31, the company builder of Porsche Digital. These include Arabella Venture Capital (venture arm of a German entrepreneurial family), the business angel and technology consultant Christoph Bornschein (TLGG), and the two business angels and Unicorn founders Johannes Reck (GetYourGuide) and Javier Suarez (TravelPerk, Olivia).

The product development of the Mobility Card, which is now integrated in the RYDES app - in partnership with the leading banking-as-a-service platform Solarisbank and Visa - is the main reason for the expansion of the pre-seed financing round.

The new virtual RYDES Mobility Card simplifies the use of the flexible mobility budget and makes all forms of mobility (train, public transport, cab, car and bike sharing, etc.) bookable via the integrated virtual Visa card. In recent months, RYDES has already been able to sign contracts with well-known DAX companies, technology providers as well as companies from the German SME sector. RYDES and its investors see this as confirmation that companies are rethinking their mobility concepts right now in order to meet new hybrid work models. 

“RYDES is one of the most innovative start-ups in the mobility sector. The employee mobility market is still in its infancy and the business idea - to link B2B offers, use of all means of transport and CO₂ compensation with one card - is a sustainable approach that serves as a role model. We are looking forward to the cooperation with RYDES and will work together to further develop the offering in the future," says Jörg Diewald, CCO of Solarisbank.

"RYDES offers companies competing for talent an attractive employee benefit that fits right into the era of flexible work models with diverse mobility needs. We will continue to consistently expand and aggressively offer our service," adds René Braun, founder and CEO of RYDES. 

“RYDES is an excellent example of how Visa's products and services support the important growth area of mobility budgets for companies and thus make a further contribution to sustainable mobility in the future. We are delighted to be able to accompany RYDES in its growth," said Jürgen Schübel, Head of Merchant Solutions & Acceptance Central Europe at Visa.


Press Contact:

For more information or interview requests with the founders, please reach out to us at [email protected]


About RYDES:

RYDES develops a holistic platform for company mobility. The Berlin-based software start-up was founded in 2021 and has set itself the goal of offering companies flexible and sustainable mobility with significantly reduced administrative efforts. RYDES' existing customers include Dax companies, medium-sized companies as well as technology companies.

Update 01.07.2023: RYDES is now NAVIT.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.