How do you choose the best mobility budget platform that is right for your Team?

Top tips choosing a mobility budget platform

While mobility budget platforms are piquing interest of HR teams, finding the right platform that fits all requirements can be hard.

That’s why we put together this quick checklist that will help you easily identify the best mobility budget platform in the market.

Mobility budget platforms have become increasingly popular in recent times since companies are focused about bringing their employees safely back to work and would want to offer them complete flexibility in doing so.

Mobility budget platforms do this by providing a consolidated list of all mobility operators in one place so that employees can choose how they want to travel, when they step out their homes.

At , we believe that implementing the mobility budget should be a win-win for both HR teams and employees and that’s why this checklist will be the ideal place to get started on that journey.

#1: Does it reduce current admin time & efforts?

A good mobility budget platform should be able to work out of the box.

Time consuming processes such as tax benefits optimization, invoicing, reimbursement administration or updating user records etc. should be handled by a platform without requiring external intervention.

While implementing a benefits & rewards program can be resource intensive, the right platform will get the job done quickly and with minimal effort.

#2: Does it include ‘All’ modes of urban transport?

Offering all modes of transport is key for a mobility budget platform. Car sharing, ride-hailing, kick scooters, public transport options are some of the basic transport modes apart from offering other unique transport options based on the location & operator availability.

#3: Does it align with the company’s sustainability goals?

With companies focusing on cutting down their carbon emissions, it is important that the mobility solutions that they implement should help them in doing so.

If the mobility budget platform, apart from offering all modes of transport also helps in offsetting carbon emissions irrespective of the transport mode, it will help companies achieve their sustainability vision even sooner.

#4: Does it offer one invoice even though there are multiple mobility providers?

As mentioned above, implementing the mobility budget has to be a win-win for both HR teams and employees.

While the ability to ride any mode of transport offers flexibility to the employees, for HR teams, the mobility budget platform should avoid complex invoicing due to contracts with multiple vendors and provide them with one standard invoice - bringing down the efforts to a minimum.

#5: Does it offer contract duration flexibility?

Not getting locked in yearly contracts is one of the key considerations while looking for a mobility budget platform.

The contract period must be flexible and companies should not be stuck with daunting annual contracts.

#6: Does it seamlessly integrate with existing HR software?

Adding a new platform to an existing stack creates value only if it can work in tandem with all the current tools. It is therefore important that the mobility budget platform offers integration options that will connect with some of the industry leading HR platforms.

This will help in updating user data or budgets without having to manually intervene every time.  

#7: Does it comply with GDPR regulations?

With rising data compliance issues, complying with GDPR regulations is paramount. Good mobility budget platforms will enable you to suppress data collection or delete employee data on request, which are some of the requirements for GDPR.  

#8: Does the team offer priority support to both HR & employees?

Excellent customer service is key to help HR teams to setup, maintain and use the platform effectively.

Apart from helping the HR, it is also important to make sure that employees can also access the customer support teams on the go.

This will save considerable time for HR teams since they don’t have to consolidate requests and reach out in case there are any issues.

Ensuring that there is priority support and easily accessible support channels for both employees and HR teams goes a long way in extracting value out of the mobility budget platform.

What platform do you need?

Choosing a mobility budget platform isn’t a quick process, but it is important that it checks all the above-mentioned line items. If you need assistance in finalizing the platform that fits your exact requirements & use case, feel free to get in touch with our team here.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.