Top 10 HR Trends 2024

In a digital age characterised by constant change and new challenges, HR trends are crucial for companies struggling with the skills shortage. NAVIT presents the latest trends and topics in HR management to provide intelligent solutions for finding and retaining employees. In 2024, companies face the challenge of adapting to remote work and new recruiting methods, supported by innovative software and smart technologies. Discover the future of HR management and how companies can meet the demands of the times.

The top 10 trends in HR in 2024 at a glance:

  • Employee wellbeing and mental health
  • Digital automation and AI
  • HR analytics
  • Diversity, equality and inclusion
  • International recruiting
  • Skills-based hiring
  • Age-diverse teams
  • Blended workforce
  • Flexible and sustainable employee benefits
  • Employee experience

Employee wellbeing and mental health

In 2024, employee wellbeing and mental health will be a key HR trend. Companies and HR departments are increasingly realising that employee wellbeing is not only a fundamental ethical value, but also has a direct impact on performance, productivity and loyalty to the company. They recognise the need to implement measures to promote the mental health of their workforce. This is closely linked to the concept of New Work and the establishment of hybrid and flexible working models.

Measures include not only the creation of a supportive working environment or the design of a health-promoting workplace, but also access to psychological support and resources for employees in challenging situations. Promoting work-life balance and stress management is therefore becoming a central component of HR management in order to retain motivated and healthy employees in the long term. Through targeted programmes and awareness-raising campaigns, companies can help to raise awareness of mental health in the workplace and make a positive contribution to the employee experience (see below).

Digital automation and AI

Digital automation and artificial intelligence (AI) will continue to have a significant impact on the way HR management works in 2024. Organisations are adapting their HR processes to these technologies in order to increase efficiency and promote progress.

AI-supported tools are increasingly being used in recruiting and talent acquisition to filter out qualified candidates. Chatbots support applicants during the application process by answering questions. Onboarding processes for new employees also benefit from digital automation. Automated workflows facilitate the onboarding process by providing company information and structured training.

In performance management, AI helps to develop objective performance indicators and identify trends in employee performance. Automated feedback supports the continuous improvement process. Thanks to these advanced technologies, data-based decisions can be made, making processes more effective. HR managers should definitely keep an eye on this trend.

HR analytics

Alongside AI, HR analytics will be another important HR trend in 2024. This is because advancing digitalisation not only enables companies to automate processes (see above), but also to make informed decisions based on comprehensive data and its intelligent use in order to support employees more effectively and retain them successfully in the long term. HR analytics goes beyond standard HR practices by utilising modern data analysis and AI technologies to gain deeper insights into various HR areas.

This data-driven approach makes it possible to recognise trends at an early stage and initiate targeted measures to increase employee satisfaction. With the help of digital tools and software solutions, company data can be analysed in real time to uncover optimisation potential in the HR area. The integration of HR analytics as an integral part of HR strategy is therefore an indispensable HR trend for 2024. Companies that rely on this new form of data management will have a clear competitive advantage when it comes to attracting, retaining and developing their employees.

Diversity, equality and inclusion

Diversity, equality and inclusion (DEI) has been one of the most topical HR issues for years. The topic will become increasingly important in 2024. Studies show that companies that prioritise diversity not only act ethically, but are also more successful economically. Promoting diversity in the workplace creates an open corporate culture and enables employees to realise their full potential.

Through targeted diversity management measures, companies can strengthen their employer brand and attract talent from different backgrounds. This includes targeted recruitment of talent from different backgrounds, genders, ethnicities and skills.

At the same time, equality in the workplace is being promoted. It is not just about hiring employees from different backgrounds, but also about ensuring that equal opportunities prevail. Companies are increasingly taking initiatives to ensure that all employees have the same opportunities, regardless of gender or background.

The integration of diversity into HR strategies in 2024 reflects social change and companies' increasing awareness that diverse and inclusive working environments are not only morally right, but can also form the basis for sustainable success.

International recruiting

The HR trend of international recruiting reflects the need to find and retain talented employees from different countries. With digital tools and software solutions, companies can efficiently search for the best employees worldwide. The future of recruiting lies in the use of AI and intelligent algorithms to identify potential candidates that perfectly match the company's requirements. Through targeted international recruiting, companies can expand their talent pool and maintain their position on the global market in the long term.

A globalised working world, the shortage of skilled workers and the increasing establishment of virtual working models are forcing companies to expand their applicant pool on the one hand, while on the other hand these developments are enabling companies to search for and attract first-class talent worldwide. International recruiting will be one of the HR trends of 2024, transcending geographical borders and focussing on cultural diversity and global perspectives.

Companies and HR departments will increasingly develop innovative methods to attract international talent - be it through virtual job fairs, a targeted online presence or the adaptation of recruiting strategies to diverse cultural backgrounds. With digital tools and software solutions, companies can efficiently search for the best employees worldwide. The future of recruitment lies in the use of AI and intelligent algorithms to identify potential candidates who perfectly match the company's requirements.

Skills-based hiring

In the fight against the skills shortage, skills-based hiring will emerge as a new trend in HR in 2024. This approach will focus on evaluating and hiring employees based on their actual skills and competences rather than just traditional qualifications or formal education. HR departments will increasingly use methods to assess the specific skills of applicants more accurately. Smart software and HR tools will make it possible to find talent with the necessary expertise to meet future challenges.

On the one hand, skills-based hiring reflects the need for companies to better cope with changes in the labour market. This approach enables HR teams to react more flexibly and agilely to the requirements of their team and to look specifically for candidates with relevant skills. On the other hand, this trend also shows a change in the mindset of companies. They promote equal opportunities and enable employees to better adapt to the specific requirements of the positions.

The shift to skills-based hiring will help to attract a more diverse workforce, as people will be considered regardless of their professional or academic history as long as they have the required skills.

Age-diverse teams

In addition to the shortage of skilled labour, demographic change is a key challenge for HR management. As life expectancy increases, so does the labour force participation of older people. In addition, in many Western economies such as Germany, the USA and the UK, whose populations are highly diversified due to immigration, the proportion of young people of working age will decrease, while at the same time there will be more pensioners.

This is why an age-friendly work culture is becoming increasingly important in HR. Trends include promoting lifelong learning, offering flexible retirement and providing comprehensive health, social and pension benefits. Company pension schemes are becoming an increasingly popular employee benefit. In addition, cohesion in multi-generational teams is becoming increasingly important. The discourse on bringing a new generation into the team has moved away from promoting cohesion and teamwork towards reducing generational differences.

Through targeted training and development measures, older employees can be actively integrated into the digital transformation. Management should implement strategies to effectively utilise the older generation's wealth of experience while creating a dynamic, intergenerational working environment. This holistic approach to age diversity will be crucial to ensure long-term business success and make a positive contribution to the future viability of the organisation.

In this context, managers and HR are advised to set common goals within the team and emphasise the value of different expertise and experience.

Blended Workforce

Another important trend in the work environment for the coming year is the increasing adoption of a so-called "Blended Workforce." This approach combines various working models, including permanent employees, temporary workers, freelancers, and external service providers. Companies are increasingly recognizing the benefits of these flexible working models, which allow them to quickly respond to changing requirements while also finding highly specialized talents.

The Blended Workforce enables HR departments to flexibly adapt to fluctuating workloads and specific project requirements. By integrating permanent employees with external resources, organizations can respond more agilely to challenges while optimizing costs.

This type of work reflects a trend towards a more dynamic and diverse work environment. Traditional employment models are being replaced by innovative hybrid approaches. However, implementing a Blended Workforce also requires careful strategic planning and effective talent management. Only then can collaboration between different workers be facilitated, and company goals efficiently achieved.

Digital intelligence plays a crucial role in ensuring seamless integration and efficient collaboration within the team. With the right management, employees from different areas can be brought together to work on innovative solutions and successfully lead the company into the future.

Flexible and Sustainable Employee Benefits

A key factor for employee well-being and recruiting success is the right employee benefits. In 2024, companies are increasingly recognizing the value of additional benefits tailored to employees' needs that promote well-being and satisfaction. Employees primarily desire maximum flexibility with maximum sustainability. Innovative programs and flexible working models create a healthy work environment that motivates and retains employees in the long term.

Investing in sustainable employee benefits not only benefits individual well-being but also increases productivity and employee loyalty. Companies that recognize and implement this trend early will be successful in the long term in the competition for talent. Integrating sustainability into HR policies is therefore a crucial step towards a modern and employee-oriented corporate culture.

Employee Experience

Employee Experience is at the center of HR trends for the year 2024. Companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of a positive employee experience in retaining and motivating talented professionals in the long term. This term encompasses the entire journey of an employee within the company, from hiring and onboarding to career development and offboarding.

The growing appreciation for this trend is understandable: a work environment focused on employee experience significantly influences overall well-being (see above). Although some companies may restrict their investments in employee experience due to budget constraints, one should not underestimate how important a positive employee experience is for the overall success of a company.

Digitalization and Focus on Employees Define 2024

These are the HR trends in 2024. The current HR themes are mainly shaped by the ongoing digital transformation and its impact on the job market. HR faces significant challenges. Technological advancements are putting pressure on HR departments to innovate, while persistent shortages of skilled professionals and labor require a consistent digital orientation. However, this also presents numerous opportunities, as trends towards international recruiting, skills-based hiring, and blended workforce illustrate. To navigate successfully in this spectrum, HR professionals must evolve technically, argue with data-driven approaches, and communicate on par with management. This enables them to advance key issues such as diversity and employee wellbeing.

Through the digital transformation in HR software and processes, it's also possible to create personalized offerings for employees that match their individual needs and working styles. Modern employee benefits such as a mobility budget meet the demands for more flexibility and sustainability. Management increasingly relies on intelligent tools to enable seamless work for employees, regardless of location. The remote work culture is gaining importance, allowing companies to implement more flexible working models. A holistic approach to promoting employee well-being becomes a central part of the company's strategy. This creates a work environment that sustainably supports the health, productivity, and satisfaction of the workforce.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.