From car policy to mobility policy

The company car - a status symbol. Those days are not quite over yet, but they could soon be. In today's world, where sustainability and environmentally friendly solutions are playing an increasingly important role, it is more important than ever for companies to rethink their mobility policy. Modern mobility concepts can ensure that there are fewer cars on the roads. After all, it is well known that cars are responsible for by far the largest proportion of CO2 emissions in transport. Instead of a classic company car policy, companies should implement a holistic mobility policy that meets the needs of employees and at the same time promotes environmentally sustainable solutions. In this article, we will take a closer look at what car policy and mobility policy are, why a rethink is important and how the transition to a mobility policy can be successful.


  1. What is a car policy?
  2. What is a mobility policy?
  3. Why companies need to rethink their corporate mobility
  4. How the transition to a mobility policy can succeed
  5. Conclusion

What is a car policy?

A car policy, also known as a company car policy, company car regulations or company car guidelines, is an internal company guideline that regulates the use of company vehicles. It specifies who is authorised to use a company vehicle, what type of vehicles are available and what costs must be borne by employees. For example, it regulates issues such as the allocation of vehicles to certain positions or employee groups, the period of use of the vehicle and possible restrictions on private use.

A car policy can also contain regulations on insurance, maintenance and the period of use of company vehicles. It is also an important component of company mobility management and serves to organise employee mobility efficiently. In addition, it can also contain specifications on the environmental compatibility of the vehicles in order to support the company's sustainability management.

For a long time, the introduction of a company car policy was a common way for companies to incentivise their employees and retain them in the company. A company car was seen as a status symbol and was often a decisive factor in employee recruitment. However, the mobility behaviour of employees has changed significantly in recent years and more and more people are looking for alternative mobility solutions.

What is a mobility policy?

A mobility policy goes beyond the classic company car policy. It not only considers the entire company mobility, but also takes into account all means of transport, not just the car. It not only considers the use of company cars, but also public transport, bicycles, e-scooters and car sharing. The aim of a mobility policy is to promote sustainable and environmentally friendly mobility solutions and to take into account the individual needs of employees.

A mobility policy usually includes various components, such as promoting the use of public transport through job tickets, the provision of company bikes or support for car-sharing programmes. It also specifies how the costs for the use of these alternative means of transport are billed and how they are handled.

In contrast to a car policy, the introduction of a mobility policy offers companies the opportunity to consider all relevant mobility options equally and at the same time support the use of alternative, sustainable means of transport. In addition, the introduction of a mobility policy enables companies to adapt their mobility policy to the changing needs of their employees and at the same time make a contribution to climate protection. By promoting alternative means of transport, the use of company cars can be reduced, leading to a reduction in CO2 emissions and a reduction in road traffic.

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Why companies need to rethink their corporate mobility?

The changes in the mobility landscape and increasing environmental awareness make it necessary to rethink corporate mobility. The expected consequences of the climate crisis can only be reduced if everyone adapts their mobility behaviour. Companies have an important role to play here. A conventional company car policy that only regulates the use of company cars falls short and does not take into account the needs of employees and the need for sustainable mobility.

More and more people are looking for flexible and environmentally friendly mobility solutions. They prefer to use public transport, bicycles or car-sharing services instead of owning their own vehicle. A mobility policy that takes these alternatives into account and promotes them can help to increase employee satisfaction and make the company more attractive to potential employees.

In addition, legislators have also recognised that a sustainable mobility policy is becoming increasingly important. Various measures have been taken to promote the use of environmentally friendly means of transport and reduce private transport. Companies that address these issues at an early stage and implement a mobility policy can benefit from financial advantages and tax incentives.

How the switch to a mobility policy can be successful

Companies have it in their hands and can decide whether they continue to offer their top management company cars as an incentive or whether they offer their employees alternatives in a much more modern and democratic way.

This includes, for example, the mobility budget. Some DAX companies, SMEs and start-ups, such as SAP, are leading the way and replacing the status symbol of the past with multimodal mobility. This means that employees can choose how they want to get to the office each day. Options include leased e-bikes as company bikes, car sharing, the Deutschlandticket as a job ticket, but also a petrol or charging card for their own car. So it's not primarily about doing without, but about creating more incentives for employees to question their own mobility behaviour and making alternatives to the car as attractive as possible.

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However, the transition from a car policy to a mobility policy requires careful planning and implementation. It is important to consider the needs of employees and actively involve them in the process. Here are some steps that companies should consider when transitioning to a holistic mobility policy:

4.1 Analyse the status quo

Before companies can implement a mobility policy, it is important to analyse the current status of corporate mobility. This should take into account both the use of company cars and alternative means of transport such as public transport, bicycles and car-sharing services. A thorough analysis enables companies to better understand the needs and requirements of their employees and adapt their mobility policy accordingly.

4.2 Definition of goals and measures

After analysing the status quo, companies should define clear goals for their mobility policy. These goals can be, for example, reducing CO2 emissions, promoting the use of public transport or increasing employee satisfaction. Concrete measures can then be developed on the basis of these goals and set out in the mobility policy.

4.3 Communication and training

The successful implementation of a mobility policy requires good communication and training of employees. It is important to inform employees about the reasons for switching to a mobility policy and to show them the benefits and opportunities. Training can help employees to better understand and accept the new regulations and processes.

4.4 Monitoring and adaptation

A mobility policy should be regularly reviewed and adapted to ensure that it continues to meet the needs of employees and the company's objectives. It is important to monitor the use of alternative modes of transport and make adjustments where necessary. Continuous monitoring allows companies to measure the success of their mobility policy and make optimisations where necessary.


The introduction of a mobility policy enables companies to take a holistic view of their mobility policy and promote sustainable solutions. Instead of a traditional company car policy, companies should implement a mobility policy that takes into account the individual needs of employees and promotes environmentally sustainable mobility solutions. By switching to a mobility policy, companies can not only increase employee satisfaction, but also make a contribution to climate protection and benefit from financial advantages.

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Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance author and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility sphere. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits, and New Work. In addition to creating blog content, he also produces marketing materials, taglines, and website content, as well as case studies.
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