These are the 5 trends in the world of work in 2024

Are you curious about how the world of work will develop in the coming years? In our blog, you can find out all about the latest trends and ideas in the field of employee benefits and how companies are using them to retain employees, improve recruitment and increase company success. Discover why employee benefits are becoming increasingly important and how you can benefit from them as an employer. Get ready for new impulses and valuable insights into the future of the world of work!

Trend 1: Back to the office

The world of work has changed dramatically in recent years. But one trend that is becoming increasingly apparent for 2024 is a return to the office. At least partially, because a complete return to the office is meeting with resistance from many employees. Hybrid working models have now become permanently established and are difficult to reverse. Nevertheless, returning to the office is important for employers. They are increasingly recognising that personal interaction and collaboration are essential for the success of a company. Employee benefits play an important role in this. Companies are increasingly investing in additional company benefits in order to retain their employees and attract new talent.

Companies recognise the importance of employee retention and are therefore increasingly trying to offer attractive benefits. These include flexible working hours, home office options and training opportunities, for example. Money also plays a decisive role in employee satisfaction. Appropriate remuneration is important for many employees and is therefore recognised by companies as an important aspect of the recruitment process.

Companies are also experimenting with new ideas in the area of employee benefits. A mobility budget meets the changing mobility behaviour of employees and offers companies a modern and sustainable alternative to company cars. Corporate social responsibility is also becoming increasingly important and will soon be mandatory: company activities such as environmental protection projects or social commitment not only offer added value for society, but also strengthen the company's positive image towards its employees.

Employee benefits are therefore becoming a key instrument in the retention process. By offering a wide range of benefits, companies can increase their attractiveness as an employer and retain talented specialists in the long term.

Overall, it is clear that the importance of employee benefits is continuously increasing. Companies are recognising the value they have for employee retention and recruiting. To be successful in the competition for skilled labour, it is therefore important to offer attractive and innovative benefits. In this way, companies can not only satisfy their employees, but also positively influence their image as an employer.

Trend 2: Skills shortage and migration

Nowadays, the shortage of skilled labour is an ever-present issue in the world of work. Companies are struggling to find qualified employees who can contribute to their success. However, in addition to the skills shortage, migration is also a challenge when it comes to finding suitable employees. It is important that employers find innovative solutions to attract talented and motivated employees and retain them in the long term.

Attractive employee benefits are one way of attracting and retaining skilled workers. These additional company benefits offer employees financial advantages and incentives that go beyond their salary. Corporate benefits are particularly popular as they offer employees a wide range of benefits and discounts at various partner companies. From discounted fitness memberships to exclusive retail offers - employers can use such benefits to increase their attractiveness as an employer and motivate their employees at the same time.

New ideas for employee benefits can help companies stand out from other employers and attract potential talent. It is important that these offers are tailored to the needs of employees and are democratic, i.e. that they reach everyone in the company. Whether flexible working hours, home office options or further training opportunities - depending on the industry and corporate culture, there are various ways in which companies can offer their employees added value.

Company measures for employee retention also play a decisive role. Companies should not only pay attention to recruiting new talent, but also ensure that their employees want to stay with the company in the long term. A good work-life balance, a pleasant working atmosphere and opportunities for personal development are important factors in strengthening employee loyalty.

Overall, it is very important for companies to recognise the shortage of skilled workers and migration as challenges and take active measures. By offering attractive employee benefits, innovative ideas and strong employee retention, they can position themselves successfully on the labour market and attract talented employees.

Trend 3: Retention

Employee retention will play an increasingly important role in the world of work in 2024. Companies are increasingly recognising the importance of employee benefits in order to retain their employees in the long term. This is not just about an attractive salary, but also about additional company benefits and incentives that increase employee well-being and satisfaction. New ideas and concepts for employee benefits are needed to be successful in today's competition for skilled labour.

Employers are increasingly focussing on innovative solutions such as corporate benefits platforms, which allow employees to choose from a wide range of offers - from discounted tickets to Germany, fitness memberships and company bikes to benefits at partner companies. These individual employee offers not only help to increase motivation, but also show employees that their employer recognises and values their needs.

Companies are also using new approaches in the recruitment process to attract potential employees and retain them in the long term. Emphasising outstanding employee benefits can be a decisive factor here. After all, in times of a shortage of skilled labour, it is more important than ever for companies to attract qualified talent and retain them in the long term.

Company communication platforms offer further added value here: they enable employees to exchange ideas and share experiences and recommendations on various benefits. This also creates a stronger bond between employees, which further promotes employee loyalty.

Overall, the importance of employee benefits and loyalty will continue to increase in the world of work in 2024. Companies that recognise these trends early on and take appropriate measures will be successful in the competition for skilled workers and will be able to retain their employees in the long term.

Trend 4: Four-day work week

Did you know that the four-day week is one of the up-and-coming trends in the world of work in 2024? More and more companies are recognising the benefits of this innovative working model and implementing it successfully. The four-day week allows employees to have more time for themselves and improve their work-life balance.

But it's not just employees who benefit from this reduction in working hours; there are also numerous advantages for companies. After all, a better work-life balance leads to motivated and satisfied employees, which in turn increases productivity and strengthens employee loyalty.

In addition, offering a four-day week can be an attractive incentive in the recruitment process and attract qualified specialists. Companies should therefore utilise this new form of flexible working hours as a valuable employee benefit in order to remain competitive and retain their employees in the long term. With creative ideas and company benefits, employers can show their employees that their well-being and work-life balance are important to them.

Whether through flexible working hours or additional financial incentives such as bonus payments or salary increases - there are many ways in which employers can accommodate their employees. The introduction of a four-day week is therefore not only a benefit for employees, but also for the company itself. So if you are still looking for new ideas on how to improve your corporate culture and strengthen employee loyalty, you should consider the four-day week as a potential employee benefit.

Trend 5: Artificial intelligence

The artificial intelligence trend has already brought about major changes in the world of work in recent years and will continue to do so in the future. Companies are increasingly recognising the benefits that AI technologies can offer to optimise their processes and make them more efficient. But what does this mean for employee benefits?

AI can take on a wide range of tasks and automate repetitive work. This gives employees more time for more demanding tasks that require human thought and creativity. Companies can use this development to strengthen employee loyalty and prepare them for new challenges.

One option is to make employees fit for dealing with AI technologies through further training programmes. Training courses and seminars enable employees to expand their knowledge and adapt to future requirements. This investment in personal development is perceived by many employees as a valuable benefit.

Companies can also contribute innovative ideas on how AI technologies can be used to make the working environment more pleasant and productive. For example, voice assistants could be used to make routine tasks such as arranging appointments or making travel bookings easier. Such solutions not only help to increase efficiency, but also demonstrate the employer's endeavours to use modern technologies for the benefit of employees.

It is important that companies recognise the benefits of AI technologies not only for recruiting or increasing efficiency, but also for employee benefits. The world of work in 2024 will be increasingly characterised by artificial intelligence and companies should use this development to strengthen their employee loyalty and offer attractive benefits.

The integration of AI technologies into everyday working life opens up new opportunities for companies to support their employees and offer them added value. It is up to companies to recognise these opportunities and find innovative solutions to make the most of the trends in the world of work in 2024.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.