Back-to-Office Tech: Tools to improve employee mobility

More and more companies are deciding to bring their employees back to the office. But how can a successful return to the office be achieved in times of flexible working models? What can be done when conventional mobility options such as company cars or job tickets no longer meet employees' needs? Fortunately, there are solutions that can make the transition easier. With the help of these tools and mobility services, employers can improve employee mobility and thus ensure greater productivity and satisfaction among employees.


  1. Mobility budgets for more flexibility and sustainability
  2. Bicycle subscription or leasing
  3. Corporate car sharing or car subscriptions as a company car alternative
  4. Fuel and charge card
  5. From mobility audit to mobility strategy for sustainable mobility

Mobility budgets for more flexibility and sustainability

The desire for flexibility and self-determination continues to grow among employees. At the same time, climate protection and sustainability are becoming indispensable for them. This is changing the world of work and also the way in which employees travel for work and want to get to the office. Rigid and singular mobility offers such as a company car or a job ticket do not adequately reflect modern employee mobility. Innovative approaches such as the mobility budget, on the other hand, support employees with hybrid working models, partial return to the office or flex commuting. Mobility budgets allow them to individually choose their means of transportation for the respective working day, depending on the traffic situation, weather or personal schedule. Mobility budgets can also be used to specifically promote sustainable forms of mobility, such as public transport and micromobility.

With a mobility budget, employees no longer have to commit to one option for their commute to work, but can decide for themselves whether to spend their budget on buses and trains, car sharing, cabs or rental bikes. Here are 10 apps that make the company mobility budget a success.

Bicycle subscription or leasing

E-bikes are becoming increasingly popular in Germany, but can be very expensive to buy. Employees can get an e-bike more easily with a bike subscription. Providers such as Dance from Berlin or Swapfiets from the Netherlands offer their own e-bike as a subscription, including repairs and insurance. The concept is simple: users receive a bike for a fixed monthly fee. The subscription provider ensures that the bike always works.

Alternatively, by offering company bike leasing, employers can not only improve their carbon footprint but also their attractiveness as a modern employer, and employees can save up to 40 percent when leasing an e-bike through their employer compared to buying one privately. 

Corporate car sharing or car subscriptions as a company car alternative

Companies that own a fleet of vehicles are under pressure to keep these vehicles on the move as much as possible so that they are profitable. One reason to bring employees back into the office more often. However, there are efficient alternatives to the classic company car that can take the pressure off companies: Corporate car sharing as part of comprehensive mobility management. While company cars spend most of the day standing around, car-sharing vehicles are on the move more often thanks to their shared use. This not only contributes to better vehicle utilization and reduces costs, but also makes it easier to implement electromobility, which is good for the carbon footprint of mobility within the company.

For the vehicle fleet, this means that using is the new owning. Providers such as Wuddi from Münster offer station-based SHARE NOW car sharing for companies, as well as flexible car subscriptions, which are well suited to companies as a modern employee benefit. MILES also offers car sharing, car rental and car subscriptions on a single platform. Movacar, on the other hand, focuses on vehicle transfers for fleet operators and uses crowdsourcing to help car rental companies reduce the cost of transfers by up to 50%. Users of the service benefit from one-way rentals from 1 euro. 

Fuel and charge card

For employees who come to the office in their own car, fuel and charging cards are worthwhile. These are now available digitally via an app. Employees can pay conveniently via app directly at the petrol pump with PACE or ryd, for example - without having to make a detour to the petrol station store. The advantage of such digital fuel cards and fuel apps is that - unlike traditional fuel vouchers - they include several providers and therefore cover a large network of petrol stations. This means that drivers can always find a suitable petrol station near them.

JUCR is also interesting for drivers of electric cars: from the charging app to the charging station, JUCR has built a reliable and constantly growing ecosystem for e-mobility. Electric car drivers can use the app to find the best of 330,000 charging stations. JUCR for Business even offers complete charging solutions for company locations.

From mobility audit to mobility strategy for sustainable mobility

2024 is all about preparing for the upcoming Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, or CSRD for short. Large, capital market-oriented companies are obliged to disclose their ESG information and submit comprehensive sustainability reports, which also include CO2 reporting on operational mobility. Small and medium-sized companies will also have to follow suit in the coming years.

Companies can rely on partners and tools to support them in their sustainability reporting. Code Gaia, for example, is a software that helps companies to automate their CSRD reporting and optimize their carbon footprint with personal expert support and data-based measures.

Project Climate advises companies and institutions on the development and implementation of sustainable mobility solutions in the areas of commuting, vehicle fleets, business trips and logistics. With 360° consulting, they ensure that organizations do the right thing to make their mobility climate-friendly, efficient and employee-oriented and to accelerate the mobility transition.

Triply offers a mobility audit, the identification of potential CO2 savings and CSDR-compliant mobility reporting in a single tool. Companies can have a complete mobility analysis created and, for example, evaluate current emissions, employee travel costs and travel times. In addition, the software enables companies to evaluate various measures and create a roadmap for a better and more sustainable company mobility policy.

Stefan Wendering
Stefan is a freelance writer and editor at NAVIT. Previously, he worked for startups and in the mobility cosmos. He is an expert in urban and sustainable mobility, employee benefits and new work. Besides blog content, he also creates marketing materials, taglines and content for websites and case studies.